Lake Dress and Rogue progress pics!

Padme Lake dress 3.0:
The base dresses are put together, and dyed. Haven’t hemmed or put the snap in at the top. Doing that today.
I got the chiffon overlay cut out for Danielle’s, and I’ve started edging that. Looks good so far…

I just finished dying the base dress - this is the dress that goes underneath the chiffon | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Tonight I’ll cut my overlay fabric fabric out and start on it. I’m hoping to dye them on sunday.

Finished, except for a couple of little things:
-The X symbol in the center of the chest straps: chase made it, he’s bringing it to me this weekend, said he’s going to do a little more work on it
-velcro: need to sew on the velcro to hold up the boots, and the velcro to hold up all the little straps (the ones that go at the top of the boots, and the top of the gloves, and at the wrists. I’ve made them, but don’t have them on this pic ’cause they won’t stay up without the velcro.

My Ultimate X-Men Rogue costume in progress... the only thing missing is my "X" symbol for the front of my chestpiece (which will be done this weekend), and I don't have the straps for the top of my gloves, top of my boots, and my wrists on in this pic since I haven't put the velcro on for them yet.better pics after comic con! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

So, gameplan for this weekend:
-Chase finish his Vader things
-Try on all Vader stuff, make sure it fits and works ok.
-Cast my Padme jewelry (which he hasn’t yet), paint it, put pin backs on
-Attach X to center of Rogue straps
-put velcro on Rogue
-Sew together rest of Danielle’s chiffon
-Edge it in the satin
-dye it
-hem bottom of her dress
-fix the top of the base dress
-put snap in
-hem my base dress
-fix top of my base dress
-put snap in
-cut out my overlay fabric
-sew it all together
-do the gathering on the sleeves
-edge it in the satin
-dye it
-attach it

Ok so my dress miiiiiiiight have to ride in my suitcase on wednesday… LOL